The company, founded in 1995, has been “deeply” engaged and involved in underwater projects of the industrial, commercial and scientific type. SSS is a specialized organization in commercial diving for inshore, offshore and inland water activities, based in Italy.
From its headquarters, operations are carried out abroad, managing the human resources and mobilizing the equipment in a quick and flexible way creating, when necessary, local branches to meet the customer’s requirements.
All the staff that supervises, the technicians and divers are all highly qualified and experts in the diving and rope access field.

The Company
SSS relies on cutting-edge equipment in full compliance with recent international rules on working procedures and certificates at international level in order to minimize the risks and improve safety regarding any project. The company strictly works in full compliance with the rules and prescriptions given by IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association), OGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers) and all the ordinances and laws both in Italy (UNI 11366) and worldwide.
Areas of intervention
They include:
- Underwater works
- Maintenance of harbor works
- Maintenance of hydroelectric plants
- Installation of submarine cables and pipelines
- Underwater sampling and bathy-morphological surveys
- Salvage diving and HAZMAT diving
- Work at height with rope access and positioning systems

Our submarine activities include but they are not limited to:
- Underwater works, both in Italy and worldwide, in shallow waters using a mixture composed of air limited to -50mt and diving with bounce dive techniques, using breathing mixtures, limited to the maximum height -65mt. All the works are carried out exclusively from highly qualified staff who are all experienced technical divers and experienced in the use of the used equipment.
- Underwater Maintenance Works (ordinary or extraordinary) of hydroelectric plants even at high altitude (as testifies a work in Valle D’Aosta operating at 7.000ft).
- Inspection, repair and maintenance of existing infrastructures.
- NDT campaigns, pipeline repair (tie-in-hot-tapping and spool included), maintenance, replacement of spare parts like fenders, chains and pipes changed out SPM /FPSO (Floating production, Storage and Offloading).
- Execution of underwater nondestructive testsoffshore and submerged structures.
- Installation activities (tie-in, pipeline, spool and installation on platforms, SPM, oil pipelines and loading terminals).
- Commissioning: all the necessary operations in order “to start” a gas pipeline, plants and its associated equipment.
- De Commissioningoperation to put out of service a gas pipeline, a plant or its associated equipment. It is carried out at the end of the useful life after an accident, for technical, economical, safety and environmental reasons.
- Archaeological diagnostics activities related to the underwater.
- Instrumental surveys and via ROV for acoustic positioning systems and underwater navigation, geophysical and hydrographic surveys.
- Environmental sampling.
- Underwater activities using the saturation technique up to a depth of 150 mt.

Sub Sea Services has qualified divers and suitable equipment to carry out:
- Visual examination using a telecamera and telecamera
- Tickness measurements using a digital instrument
- Measurements of anodic potential
Sub Sea Services at the invitation of the ITALIAN NATIONAL ENTITY OF UNIFICATIONS (UNI), given the high quality standards of the company, is now a member and actively participates in the improvement of safety standards in underwater work.
Sub Sea Services is an ‘associate member‘ of the I.D.S.A. (International Diving Schools Association) and applies the training and safety standards required by the Association in its work.
The company collaborates in the improvement of European training standards together with the Association itself.